Апрель, 2015
21апр10:0010:00ChildOpenArt - XI Took Place!

On April 19th, 2015 the award ceremony of the contest of children's drawings ChildOpenArt - XI - a competition for best picture in March 2015. The Grand Prix has been
On April 19th, 2015 the award ceremony of the contest of children’s drawings ChildOpenArt – XI – a competition for best picture in March 2015. The Grand Prix has been played right in the room, the three nominees have performed work on the “Day of snowdrop”. The winner was a student of the art studio “Montessori Center” Georgiy Petrunko. Congratulations to all the winners, parents and teachers!
Traditionally, after the celebration of the creativity of a master class on HandMade from the teacher “Montessori Center”.
During April, all students painting studios working on new paintings to win a prize in the next competition – for the best picture in April 2015 – ChildOpenArt – XII! We wish you continued success and victory!
Full photoreport events link
Winners’ stand and their work entries link