Февраль, 2015
18фев10:0010:00Concerts' Photoreports

Congratulations to the parents, children and teachers with a victory in the drawing competition "ChildOpenArt" - 2015, January. In an online gallery of children's art competition, a new stand and
Congratulations to the parents, children and teachers with a victory in the drawing competition “ChildOpenArt” – 2015, January. In an online gallery of children’s art competition, a new stand and the award ceremony for the winners of the February 15, 2015 – with photos and diplomas. Take another look at those nice “moments of glory” in the online on link
Video collage of events on the channel “Montessori Center” in youtube on link
Full photoreport, more than a hundred photos – in the school gallery on link
On February 14th, 2015 also took place musical in “Montessori English School”. Congratulations to the participants and their parents! See photo in the school gallery on link
Piano concert took place on 14th February 2015 at the School on Liuteranska St. Congratulations speakers and parents! Photo report, traditionally – in the photo gallery on link
Thanks to the parents for talented and hard-working kids! And adult learners wish courage and more free time for music!