Декабрь, 2018
18дек11:0111:01Grand Concert, ChildOpenArt Award and "Petit-Pa Fest" Choreography Festival

December 22, 2018 at 18:00 we invite all parents, students and friends to our big New Year's concert, awarding the winners of the ChildOpenArt drawing contest and the "Petit-Pa Fest"
December 22, 2018 at 18:00 we invite all parents, students and friends to our big New Year’s concert, awarding the winners of the ChildOpenArt drawing contest and the “Petit-Pa Fest” choreography festival.
On the big beautiful stage our students of music and dance schools will perform, and also students of art schools will receive their awards!
The concert will take place on the stage of Grinchenko University, at 13b, Marshala Timoshenko St., 4th floor.
Waiting for you!