Март, 2020
10март08:1008:10The 68th time we will be gathered by the ChildOpenArt competition on March 22, 2020!

The unique online gallery www.childopenart.com has no analogues, because it has more than 19 thousand (!) artworks! Neither in Ukraine nor on the net have we seen
The unique online gallery www.childopenart.com has no analogues, because it has more than 19 thousand (!) artworks!
Neither in Ukraine nor on the net have we seen anything like this! Students of the Montessori Center produce their masterpieces with regularity and certainly creative inspiration!
For example, in January we drew 320 new drawings, see the stand of January 2020 at the link.
The drawings created for February are still at the stage of scanning and processing and are about to be published!
The winners of the drawing contest No. 68 for February 2020 will be awarded on March 22 at the “In Jazz Live!” at 11:00 and 13:00.