Апрель, 2016
26апр10:0010:00Visit our photo gallery!

All photo reports of concerts, competitions, open lessons and our other school activities we have in the gallery kollektsioniruya www.gallery.montessori.ua Your attention our creative photo reports
All photo reports of concerts, competitions, open lessons and our other school activities we have in the gallery kollektsioniruya www.gallery.montessori.ua
Your attention our creative photo reports in April 2016:
Photo report on April 2 Saturday concert
Photo report on April 3 Deja Vu, students live 18+
Photo report on April 9 Saturday concert
Photo report on April 16 Saturday concert
Photo report on 17 April Pretzel concert class Valeria Taran
Photo report on April 23 Dejavu contest ChildOpenArt