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Larisa Banashchuk

Larisa is an excellent administrator, sensitive and punctual, she will come to the aid of the student and teacher on any issue. Larissa’s daily work is on time assigned lessons, proven subscriptions and all problems solved. Her Hollywood smile makes our day kinder and more fun! We thank Larisa for her professional work!

Kristina Merchuk

Kristina Merchuk is a cello teacher at the Montessori Center. Christina is a student of the National Academy of Music. P.I. Tchaikovsky. A young acting cellist will make both an adult and a child tremble when she starts playing herself. The magical sound of her instrument is both mesmerizing and inspiring. You will love the cello as much as Christina loves it. Cello lessons are a world like no other, where the main thing is your desire to learn how to play the cello, and our teacher will help you with this. In just a few lessons you will be playing light melodies, learn how to hold the cello correctly, how to use the bow, and even choose your own program! We are waiting for you at the cello lessons!

Ivan Postol

Ivan Postol is a drum teacher at the Montessori Center. Ivan graduated from the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts and has excellent experience in teaching children and adults. Drum lessons have a special energy, because the musician’s bible begins with the words “in the beginning there was rhythm”. At drum lessons you will master musical rhythms and styles of music, you will play the kit just like your teacher, the main thing is your desire to master the technique and not give up in the face of difficulties, because a musician is not only a talent, but also the development of techniques, techniques and learning your musical part! We are waiting for you at the drum lessons at the Montessori Center.

Yevheniya Ilkun

Yevheniya Ilkun – vocal teacher at the Montessori Center. Graduated from the Sumy Professional College of Arts and Culture. D. Bortnyansky and is currently a student of the National Music Academy. P.I. Tchaikovsky. Evgenia gives her best in her lessons, paying maximum attention to the personal characteristics of each student: how her ear is developed, a sense of rhythm, what features of temperament, character, and, based on the individuality of each child, selects one or another repertoire. After all, we like to sing what works best, so each work should be liked! Each Evgenia’s vocal lesson is a fascinating story about vocal technique, sound production techniques and interesting practical tasks! We are waiting for you at the vocal lessons at the Montessori Center!

Anastasia Kopchuk

Anastasia Kopchuk is an excellent teacher of English, Spanish and Ukrainian as a foreign language. Anastasia has excellent experience working with children and adults. Children are delighted with the lessons, because the friendly atmosphere makes it easy to learn the material, and a young and professional teacher will always help you understand the most difficult topic! At the English and Spanish lessons, Anastasia will help to improve the school curriculum, as well as extracurricular topics will be interesting and useful – conversational, grammar, writing, all the required forms of language learning in an accessible way and with an interesting explanation! At the lessons of Ukrainian as a foreign language or according to the school curriculum of the Ukrainian school – Anastasia will carefully and professionally develop a training program individually for each student!

Alina Gerzhan

My name is Alina! I am a speech pathologist with 6 years of experience. The speech development of a child is of particular importance in the formation of a personality, because a child’s speech largely determines his intellectual, communicative and general cultural level. The task of a speech therapist is to activate and form the correct development of speech. You can contact me if your child pronounces sounds incorrectly or replaces them. If it is difficult for a child to build a dialogue, tell a story and express an opinion coherently. If the speech is not clear and incomprehensible. I am working on the development of grammar, vocabulary on sound pronunciation. Development of the articulatory apparatus, phonemic hearing and higher mental functions (memory, attention, thinking). With me, your child will speak confidently and clearly, I find an approach to all the little “don’t want to”.

Stadnyk Yuliia

Julia is a wonderful teacher of English, Russian and Ukrainian languages! Her lessons are a fairy tale world of adventure for children and constructive planning for adults. Julia graduated from the Kiev National Linguistic University. The experience of working with children allows you to find the key to everyone and involve them in the world of knowledge! Join Julia’s English lessons and improve your knowledge!

Elina Levitskaya

Elina Levitskaya is a teacher of English, German, Russian and Ukrainian languages. Elina has a wonderful experience of working with both preschoolers, schoolchildren and adult students. Elina has a higher specialized pedagogical education, practices pedagogical work with Ukrainian students, as well as with the Ukrainian diaspora in different countries – the USA, Canada, Europe – she helps children and adults learn their native language, write competently and read fluently in any of the chosen languages. If you need to improve your English or German grammar, be sure to join groups or individual lessons with Elina! Learn Ukrainian or write competently in Russian – sign up for lessons!

Daria Obelchak

Daria Obelchak is a professional flutist and teacher. Daria teaches block flute, sopilka, flute. Combines pedagogical work with work in the state orchestra. Daria received her higher musical education at the National Pedagogical University M.P.Dragomanova. A friendly and exciting atmosphere reigns in her lessons, both children and adults get a lot of pleasure from the process of comprehending the magic musical instrument the flute.

Kateryna Romanovska

Kateryna Romanovska is a piano teacher. Ekaterina graduated from the National Pedagogical University. M.P.Dragomanov on piano. Ekaterina has an excellent experience of working with children and adults for over two years. Catherine’s lessons include classical, modern and jazz music. Students select by ear, learn musical notation and the basics of improvisation. The secret of Catherine’s students’ success is her sensitivity and kindness. When the children enter the classroom, they do not want to leave and listen to everything that their respected teacher tells them. If playing the piano is still a dream for you, be sure to come to the lessons of Ekaterina Romanovskaya and make your dream come true!

Illia Bilyi

Illia Bilyi is a guitar teacher. Ilya Vladimirovich plays all types of guitar: classical, acoustic, electric guitar, bass guitar and ukulele. Graduated with honors from the Kiev Municipal Academy of Music named after R. M. Gliere. Ilya has been teaching since 2015, and is also an excellent performer of music of various styles – from classical to rock music. “I am convinced that everyone can enjoy music, regardless of age, experience and ability. Thanks to modern techniques and an individual approach, which I definitely use in my lessons, you will learn many performing techniques and will delight yourself and your loved ones by playing the guitar!”

С уважением Глеб, Анна и Илья Петуховы

Уважаемые коллеги! Смело могу Вас так называть, т.к. сама являюсь мамой двоих сыновей и преподавателем. Работая с детьми на протяжении многих лет, воспитывая своих мальчишек, наблюдая за детками моих друзей, каждый раз убеждалась: школа – это место, где ребенку комфортно. Именно желание ребенка идти в школу – эта та лакмусовая бумажка, которая всё расставляет на свои места. Купили новую мебель – большой плюс, нашли преподавателя – носителя языка – еще зачет. Но всё меркнет, если дочка или сын ищет любой повод, чтобы остаться дома. Именно поэтому, такая школа как “Монтессори Центр” выигрывают в наше непростое время. Здесь весь коллектив работает для каждого маленького слушателя, танцора, певца или художника. От всей нашей семьи выражаем огромную благодарность администраторам, преподавателям, руководству школы. Спасибо за вдохновляющую классику и увлекательные рассказы об известных композиторах преподавателю фортепиано Елене Кунаевой. Спасибо за море акварельного позитива и умение отличить мягкий карандаш от твердого нашему преподавателю изобразительного искусства Анастасии Олейниковой. Спасибо за сверхточность и обязательность Татьяне – администратору центра. Спасибо за такой душевный проект как “Концерты по субботам”, конкурсы, олимпиаду, выставки Анне Росенко. Творите, развивайтесь и вдохновляйте всех нас. Совсем недолго сотрудничали с преподавателем английского Нелли, но даже за это время успели преуспеть и сдали II семестр на отлично. Обязательно встретимся осенью. Желаем всему коллективу школы мира, процветания и хорошего осеннего набора!

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