All our speech has a vocal nature. A baby who is just born is already prone to singing. He is able to make loud sounds, stretch them and even clothe in emotions.
In ancient Greece, a man who could not sing in the choir was considered uneducated. And no wonder, because the music of that time was mainly vocal. She penetrated deeply into all spheres of life and, according to Plato, “gave life and fun to everything that exists…”
Nowadays, vocals are experiencing a new wave of popularity. In an era of information glut and computer technology, people more than ever need an outlet that will allow them to “loudly” and beautifully express their creativity.
Through singing, a person expresses himself, liberates himself, finds his way, and sometimes the meaning of existence. Plunging into a song, he gets a “legal” opportunity not to restrain his feelings and enjoy life in its entirety.
Despite the huge amount of scientific research, in some circles there is still an opinion that people need singing exclusively for pleasure and does not bear any practical benefit. Let’s try to debunk this myth.
- Breathing training. Vocals are, first of all, the art of exhalation. Professional singers differ from ordinary mortals not only in voice but in breathing – they breathe not in the chest, but in the diaphragm.
Diaphragmatic breathing is used not only for beautiful sound production, but also in various recreational techniques and martial arts. With its help, the volume of the lungs and the general endurance of the body increase – the tissues are saturated with oxygen, immunity increases, colds go away. - Improvement. When a person sings, only 20% of the sound goes out, and inside – as much as 80%. With the help of these sound vibrations, something like massage of the internal organs is performed. As a result, blood circulation is enhanced, the work of the intestines and abdominal organs improves, and stagnation of bile is prevented in the liver.
- The development of memory. During singing, it is necessary to constantly memorize and play various melodies, intonations, rhythmic patterns. It develops thinking very well, trains long-term memory, and increases vocabulary.
- The development of speech. Regular vocal lessons are needed not only by singers, but professional “word workers” – speakers, presenters, broadcasters, and educators. It is proved that singing improves pronunciation, trains diction, and also helps to remove many speech defects, including a mild form of stuttering.
- Expression of emotions. Some of our feelings are so strong that they cannot be expressed in words. Express the inexpressible with vocals. Passing his joy or pain through singing, a person expresses himself, gains emotional freedom. Singing and living various songs, we learn to cope with our emotions, not suppressing them and in time directing them in the right direction.
- Emancipation. In singing lessons, they learn to control their voice, not to be afraid to use it to the full. This is especially important if our activity is associated with active speaking. The delivered voice allows you to get rid of the clamps, remove excess load from the vocal cords. In addition, while doing vocals, a person is doomed to periodically speak to the public and gradually overcome the fear of public speaking and develop communication skills.
- Parenting. To convey vital truths to a child, it is better to use not just words, but add music to them. For the development of intelligence, verbal exposure will be enough. But in order to educate the soul, you need to connect more subtle instruments – for example, singing. With its help, you can easily introduce the child to the concepts of good and evil, instill in him the basic human values.
They say that vocals appeared before speech. Our need to “sound” came to us almost from primitive ancestors, who, through singing, were associated with collective values, resonated with each other. Why don’t we take an example from them?.. After all, one who knows how to control his voice will sooner or later be able to control his own life.>