How to help your child develop easily and harmoniously? For this, it is not necessary to give it to sports clubs and sections. A suitable source for the development of children will be needlework.
What does needlework give to children
This type of creativity is useful in that:
- develops imagination and creativity;
- disciplines;
- trains fine motor skills;
- expands vocabulary;
- introduces materials for creativity;
- forms accuracy and concentration of attention;
- gives skills on the basics of composition and color science;
- helps the child feel needed, special and unique.
What types of needlework are suitable for children
The creative process can captivate not only girls, but also boys. It must be remembered that slow, demanding attention classes are most suitable for hard-working and patient children than fidgets.
Among the types of needlework for children, the following can be distinguished:
- Decorative and applied. The crafts that children make can decorate the house. It can be pictures, collages, wicker figures.
- Creative. This type of needlework will require considerable imagination from children in order to create something new and original, which no one else has.
Needlework options for children
- Knitting. Suitable for proactive and hardworking children. If your child is like that, you can give him to a club where they teach *knitting for beginners* or *crocheting for beginners*. These skills will definitely come in handy for them in the future.
- Embroidery. Children will need perseverance and concentration. It’s worth starting the training with simple schemes, gradually complicating the pictures.
- Sewing. Needlework, which is also useful for children in adulthood. Give them to the profile circle, where they tell and show *how to learn to sew and cut from scratch*. A little later, when children learn this knowledge, they can learn more difficult skills. For example, *how to learn to sew on a typewriter*.
- Building models. Suitable for boys. They will be able to construct their own cars, planes, military equipment, and then play with their friends.
- Creation of applications. You can start with the simplest shapes, gradually moving on to more complex collages.
- Weaving products. Practical needlework, which may be useful to children in the future. Toddlers will love to create jewelry and crafts from bright and original materials with their own hands. It can be beads, buttons, beads or birch bark.
There are some types of needlework that you can do with children at home, without shifting their development to educators and teachers. Creativity can be arranged in the form of a game, and all children like to play. The game form will help them better absorb new information.
Watch what your children like to do. It is possible that in the future their hobbies will develop into a profession. And what could be better than a job that not only makes a profit, but is also a hobby.