Why do children need to make music

Why do children need to make music

Old-fashioned views that you need to start playing music from the age of 7 are a thing of the past. Modern parents are increasingly bringing children to early musical development from the age of 3. Techniques for kids are no longer a novelty and many music teachers are familiar with them and successfully practice both in music schools and in early development centers.

Our teachers are sure that in general every child needs to make music from an early age. Many foreign institutions have published research findings that children who practice music have better memory, reaction, and even IQ – and these studies are also not new, they are increasingly published in popular media sources.

So, music lessons:

  • develop memory – because you need to play and sing by heart!
  • develop hearing – of course, because the ear gets used to listen carefully and helps to correct mistakes during the performance;
  • develop a reaction – after all, it is necessary to play note by note at a rhythm, and also to react quickly to your mistakes;
  • develop a sense of rhythm – musician-teacher G.G. Neuhaus begins his book like this: “The bible of the musician begins with the words: “In the beginning was the rhythm”.
  • develop aesthetic taste – of course, because teachers will introduce students to the best examples of musical art!
  • they broaden their horizons – in music lessons (whether singing or playing an instrument), students learn history, geography, literature, and other arts — painting, dancing, and get acquainted with world cultures;
  • develop speech – of course, because a musician has to learn so much by heart, read so much music, and a singer learns words, fulfill so much that the brain learns to build logical chains and all the time develops and enriches;
  • develop personal qualities, such as self-confidence, will, strength of character, courage and much more, which is tempered with a variety of performances for the teacher and for the public.

Even if we wanted to – we still wouldn’t list all the benefits of music lessons!

And most importantly – music lessons bring great pleasure! After all, the student will be able to play or sing his favorite melody, which improves mood, gives inspiration and inner strength!

We invite you to the lessons in our music school in Kiev!

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